Volunteering Opportunities
Ralph Waldo Emerson observed: ‘It is one of the most beautiful compensations in life that no person can sincerely try to help another without helping him [or her] self’.
We have several volunteer “Service For God”, positions available that we would love to talk with you about! Please check out the following below and let us know how you would like to serve our ministry.
#1. Unity Online Broadcasting of Sunday Services and Wednesday Classes
Team Members: Victor Austin (Vice President) Deborah D (Communications Director) The Reverend James Sherman (Minister)
#2. Public Relations: Help get the word out about our church
Team Members: Deborah
#3. Prayer Ministry: Provide local prayer support for members of the Unity Church Toronto community. All prayer requests are handled with absolute confidentiality. Team members pray daily for a number of assigned requests. An orientation and training session is required to become a member of the prayer team.
Team Members: Roslyn B Debbie L Lucille J
#4. Phone BLESSINGS Ministry: Each week a volunteer telephones congregants and those wishing a ‘blessing’ for the week based on one of the 12 Powers as described by the founder Mr. Charles Fillmore.
Volunteer: Virginia
#5. Hospitality Team Players:
Assist Hospitality Leaders in planning/presenting/serving /cooking for Sunday refreshments, special luncheons and events. Please e-mail office@unitytoronto.ca
Marlene, Roslyn, Lucille, Angela C., Marline, Angela C, Maureen M., Cathlena M, We say a special Thank You to hospitality members who continue to plan, prepare and serve us refreshments following our 11:00 am services
#6. Ushers/Greeters: Meet, greet attendees and assist with seating, bulletins, lighting etc. Please e-mail office@unitytoronto.ca
#7. Newsletter: Editor, Writer, Layout, Duplication/Distribution Team Players and Leadership needed. Please e-mail office@unitytoronto.ca
#8. Music Ministry Mr. Sam Forde (Soloist) Mr. Jacob Damian (Pianist)
Guest Artists: Matthew Craig, Simone Soman, Dave McLaughlin, The Tomlinson Sisters, Soul Influence, Jennifer Noble, Jereme Quinlan, Drum Cafe, Denise Dunn, Jay Douglas, The Awakening Band, Elina Kelebeev, Robert Chambers, Bri-anne Swann, Valerii, Jacqueline Leung, Denis Paklov and Adam W. Elina Kelebeev, Stas Vitort, Val, Angelika
#9. Decorators Deborah, Rosina B., Daniel C., Yvonne J., Virginia, Patricia B.,
#10. 4-T Prosperity Program:
Team Members: Cathlena Mason, Gloria Pierre, Vicki B
#11. Office
#12. Unity Friendship Bouquet:
#13. Candle Lighting on Sundays Peter P
#14. Platform Announcements Rosina Deborah Fraser James
#15. Auditorium Sunday Set-Up Dismantle Pack-up Load-up
Team Members: James Peter Daniel Janet Virginia Ludlow Dee Enid Rosina Patricia Yvonne
#16, Unity Wee Wisdom Children’s Church: Volunteering in our Unity Church Toronto’s ‘Children’s Church’ is a great way to make a meaningful contribution to our church community
Wee Wisdom Facilitator: Deborah